Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Algoma Christmas, 1923-2023: A Century Between

Although 100 years have passed since Algoma’s 1923 Christmas, it was not quite the horse and buggy days. Across the U.S. citizens heard about  President Calvin Coolidge lighting the national Christmas tree (left) for the first time. Algoma residents were beginning to see lit trees, although there were still homes without electricity. Folks celebrated in church and with their loved ones just as others across the world did. 

Legends - and history - say the “Christmas rush” started in Ahnapee/Algoma with the Christmas tree ship captains trying to get the trees south first, and in 1923 and a century later, the rush continues with trees, gifts, Christmas cards, baking, and parties. Rereading old newspapers reflecting the days of our grandparents and great-grandparents is to ask, “So, what’s new?”

The 1923 weather matched this year’s unseasonal temperatures. When third grader Charlotte Boedecker arrived at school one mid-December Day, she presented teacher Miss Anna Mueller a bouquet of pansies in full bloom. Charlotte even found a dandelion to stick in the middle. The flowers were in Mrs. Louis Fellows’ garden, although a few days later, Mrs. Fellows couldn’t even see where her garden was when the area got about 20” of white stuff just before Christmas. While some residents faced lay-offs and job loss, the paper said such loss “failed to diminish the joy found seven decades ago.”

Beautifully decorated, bountifully laden trees gladdened hearts. Hagemeister Brewing Co. added to the city’s holiday spirit and such gifts were quite popular. Carpet sweepers were also said to be very popular. Unpopular were the tax bills that arrived just before Christmas. According to the paper, folks who still had money after buying gifts were the first to pay their taxes. The city needed those taxes.

An early December 1923 Record Herald pointed out that Santa Claus wasn’t standing around to take care of public works just because it would be nice to have them. As the paper pointed out, somebody has to pay for such things, and those who say – the new bridge, for instance – won’t cost the city a penny “has been fooling you, possibly fooling himself.” Sound familiar?

Christmas gifting made up the bulk of the Record Herald advertising. and those with more than a few bucks could purchase a Ford Tudor Sedan for $590 at Lake Shore Garage. Ford’s roomy new body type was offered for the lowest ever price. Lake Shore might have had favorable prices but Chevrolet distributor W.M. Gunderson Co. Inc. offered to deliver a new car on Christmas morning. Imagine a family coming out to find an auto with a big bow. Think of the neighbors surely watching pea-green with envy. Not everybody could afford a new car, and Long and Ponath recommended automobile accessories as super gifts. After all, who didn’t need new Hood tires or Westinghouse batteries? Little things mean comfort.

Wisconsin Public Service was advertising its practical Western Electric Irons for $4.50, or 90 cents down and 90 cents a month for four months. WPS felt everyone should have such comfort and convenience. The women of 1923 would have been overjoyed by such a gift. A man who gave his wife an iron in 1993 would have been in the doghouse for life, provided she didn’t wrap the cord around his neck first. Unless a woman of 2023 worked in a thrift shop, she’d have to ask what an iron was.

Westinghouse Light and Power Plant suggested electric current as a gift for the entire family while pointing out electricity was dependable and could be used with a switch. Best of all, it was not complicated while it was convenient, comfortable, economical, and practical.

Hugo Duecker, of the Hardware and Furniture store by the same name, thought a Globe Range was just the ticket as it was a gift that kept on giving, was economical and resulted in great cooking results 365 days a year. To spend that kind of money, the “little woman” might have chosen a new Roadster and freedom from cooking. The man whose wife couldn’t cook before she got a Globe Range probably thought he “got took” when she couldn’t cook after Christmas either.

Bank of Rio Creek told folks it was the depository for contributions to the Relief of Starving and Friendless German Children. Wisconsin was expected to raise $500,000 as part of the 10 million dollars being raised in the U.S. for the destitute children.

Citizens Bank said Santa lived long enough to be a very wise man who knew a Bank Book would be a gift that kept on giving to improve life. A savings account was sure to bring cheer to one’s life, as long as the receiver was a saver.

Algoma Chamber of Commerce touted Algoma as the Gift City (it’s the Bird City today) and the place to trade. Bruemmer Bros. marketed 49-pound Miss Minneapolis Flour. Farrell Lumber and Algoma Fuel Company trumpeted the gift of heat in coal. Lorenz Perlewitz felt Valspar Varnish was a sought-after gift while the Record Herald thought a two-year subscription to the paper would be preferred. In its list of 45-50 gift suggestions, the most expensive item listed in the newspaper was the solid gold cuff links at Melchoir’s for 8 bucks. Just behind was the Walking Mama Doll, selling for $7.50 at Bach-Dishmaker. Not all prices were shown, however more practical gifts might mean few cuff link sets or walking dolls were under the trees.

Bach-Dishmaker Company on the northeast corner of 4th and Steele promoted itself as “The Store with the Christmas Spirit.” They even offered gift coupons. Dolls seemed to be among the priciest toys even outpacing tricycles.

It made news when Bach-Dishmaker received a radio transmission from the North Pole directing all Algoma children to gather at the store on December 15 between 9 and 11:00 A.M. Santa wanted to meet the children and present them with a little gift.

On December 21, the paper reported on the excited kids who jumped out of bed the previous Saturday. Weather necessitated Santa come by train which suited kids just fine. They worried that he might fly into the lake and drown! Kids ran back and forth on the depot platform listening for the train whistle. The train was late, prompting the youngsters to feel it had to go slower because Santa was a very heavy man.

When the train finally arrived, anxious children followed Santa from the depot to Groessl Drug store on the southeast corner of 4th and Steele where he stood looking for a sign. Suddenly he saw Bach-Dishmaker and headed across the street. The door opened and Santa walked in followed by about 200 kids who rubbed elbows and wedged between counters that creaked with the pushing kids. Mr. Dishmaker assisted Santa, as he climbed on a counter, and then handed the jolly old man letters from Algoma youngsters. Santa asked one of the townsfolk to read the letters, saying he was getting older and his voice was getting so weak that he might not be understood. How many youngsters began worrying about old Santa’s health and the long trip he had ahead of him? Letters were read while Santa scanned faces to determine who had been good and thus deserving. After that, Santa gave out bags of candy as he said good-bye while promising to be back on Christmas Eve. Santa seemed to vanish before their eyes at 11:00, but the children knew he had to get back to the North Pole where there was plenty of work to be done.

Engelbert’s Department Store touted itself as the Christmas Store. Now Walters at 521 Fourth St., the toyland was on the balcony. Low prices enabled parents to purchase the newest novelties “liberally.”  To make shopping easy, Engelbert’s opened in the evenings beginning December 10.

Duecker sold hardware and other practical goods, but he also sold toys. Toyland had things sure to tickle the fancy of kids. There were roller skates, velocipedes (bicycles and tricycles), trains, embroidery sets and laundry sets. How many laundry sets did little girls find beneath the Christmas trees?

Fluck’s City Drug Store, at 321 Steele, was advertising Day Dream Face Powder. Such powder offered more bang for the buck as the purchase came with three fragrant narcissus bulbs. Purchasers were advised that there would be one offer only to a customer.

Kohlbeck’s, The Quality Store, at 221 Steele St. offered Eagle Shirts that were the finest quality at moderate prices. For those who wanted something to go with the shirt, shoes might be the answer. Reinhart Shoe Store was the place for comfy slippers, dressy satin slippers, shoes, and hosiery. Gift coupons were available for customers who could find just the right thing at a price they wanted to pay. C.J. Melchoir Jewelry, on the southwest corner of Third and Steele, claimed the largest stock in Kewaunee County. Melchoir had it all. He even carried thermos bottles which kept food and beverages hot or cold. Joseph J. Charlier ran the jewelry on 4th Street. He had every type of quality jewelry including diamonds, wristwatches, clocks, gift coupons and more for those who worried about flat irons and played it safe with pearls.

Music was always in the air in Algoma, and Guth’s Music Store arranged deliveries on Christmas Eve. Charles Guth had bought out August Klatt's business and whether it was a piano, victrola, records, or gift coupons, Algoma’s “Square Deal Music House”at 314 Steele St. made it happen.

Earl Sibilsky’s Delicatessen Store told residents festive Christmas tables should be bedecked with the finest foods available. Luckily, Sibilsky had fresh greens, fruits, nuts, and all kinds of groceries. A dozen oranges cost 25 cents while 2 pounds of chocolate drops, jellybeans, peanut brittle, and molasses candy cost 35 cents. This week (2023) oranges are 99 cents each and a pound of fine chocolates is about the same as a pound of lobster tail.

For those who wanted candy, Bach-Dishmaker, The Big Store on the Corner, had two tons of Christmas candy to be sold for 19 cents a pound. Nineteen cents was a bit pricey, but the astounding thing was two tons of candy at just one store. Algoma’s 1920 population stood at just a fuzz under 2,000. All that candy was probably a boon to the city’s dentists, Dr. Slaby and Dr. Murphy. Dr. Toothacker was another who served the city, but he was a physician rather than a dentist.

Door to door sales have fallen off in recent years while internet scams are rampant. Each fall, folks are inundated with requests for money for groups from A to Z. While honest organizations tear at the heartstrings, a family can only do so much. However, it is hard to resist the fresh-faced, younger kids hesitating over a memorized plea while collecting for whatever organization. A mid-December 1923 Record Herald said every kid in town descended on residents in both morning and after school sieges trying to sell Christmas seals. The paper termed the kids “little marauders” who were trying to break the locks of pocketbooks. Editor Harry H. Heidmann said a fresh supply of Christmas seals meant more to kids than a war hero’s decoration to a soldier.

Christmas is the time for releasing movies, and so it was in 1923. For 15-25 cents, Algoma youngsters could view a Christmas Day matinee, “Hurry for the Christmas Ship.” Added entertainment included Nora Rose singing a Christmas song and a group of 20 boys and girls singing about the Christmas ship. Further adding to the festivities, a large ship filled with presents was on the stage. No less than Santa himself was on hand to present gifts to kids under 12. The more astute kids no doubt wondered why the jolly old man was still up after flying around the world before dawn.

The Majestic Theater advertised “Nothing Too Good for Algoma” and that came with great organ music. Saturday night, December 22nd , began with an overture followed by High Life, a comedy, and then William Russell in the feature film, The Crusader. Sunday’s matinee began with the overture and went on to the main feature, Worlds Applause with its stellar cast. Sunday evening’s offering was the same, but it included the great Will Rogers in a comedy.

While not offering movies on the 24th, Christmas afternoon featured movies for boys and girls. Evening movies were adult-oriented and on Christmas night, the city’s baker, accordion player Mr. Knaapen, accompanied the organist. The comedy feature that night was extra-long with three reels. The 26th and 27th featured Ebb Tide starring Lila Lee and Noah Berry. The South Seas film was certain to entertain with its breathless thrills, colorful romance, and a great octopus battle packed in between.

On December 24, 1963, the Majestic showed The Duel of the Titans. Admission to that matinee was a box top or bottle cap from any Carnival Guernsey product. Movies released in theaters on Christmas Day 2023 include The Color Purple, Ferrari, and The Boys in the Boat.

It is most unusual if one fails, in 2023, to see Amazon, UPS, or USPS vehicles day and night helping Rudolph guide deliveries. A century ago, dray lines were making deliveries with horse and wagon. Kewaunee County saw Rural Free Delivery (RFD) come into existence a mere 20 years earlier. Postmaster General New urged people to mail parcels early. The kicker was that he approved an amendment giving postal employees a holiday on Christmas Day 1923. Approved for the “welfare and happiness of postal employes”, the mailmen were directed to notify rural patrons there would be no December 25th delivery. However, the notification was to be accomplished in a way that did not incur any expense to the DPO.

Postmaster New seemed to be blaming carriers in advance for any disappointment that they might experience. New wrote, “We confidentially hope that carriers will put forth their best efforts to effect delivery…….so that there will be no disappointment..….” New went on to say that failure on the part of an individual carrier to do this will subject him  to severe criticism and “will be a severe cause of regret to the postal department.” In 1923, rural carriers needed Donder and Blitzen for delivery. At the time, the vehicles in existence weren’t worth much in snow so horse and buggy was the way to go. In some instances, the mailmen had to rebuild bridges in order to deliver mail. Some found themselves breaking through ice.

Christmas in Algoma, and Wolf River/Ahnapee before it, meant observance of that first Christmas 2,000 years ago. When Pastor A. F. Schlei announced St. Paul’s Christmas services, he said they would be in German on Sunday, December 23. On the evening of the 24th, the Sunday school and parochial school kids gave their program followed by services in English and German. On Monday the 25th, German services were at 9:45, followed by services in English at 11:00.

The Methodist Episcopal Church planned “unique” services conducted by the young people on Sunday evening. Christmas candles were to be lit while Christmas music and legends were part of the service. Earlier that day there was a public worship. The Sunday School kids presented their program on Christmas Eve near the Christmas tree. All were welcomed.

Midnight mass was offered on Christmas Eve at St. Mary’s. It was followed by Christmas Day masses at 8:00 and 10:00 and vesper services at 3 PM. On second Christmas Day, the 26th, mass was offered at 9:00.

St. Agnes Episcopal put out a slightly different schedule. Mass would be held at 7:30 p.m. on Christmas Eve while a 7:30 a.m. high mass was planned for Christmas Day followed by a 9:00 low mass. St. Agnes also planned for second Christmas Day on the 26th, and for Thursday and Friday, when mass would be offered at 7:30 each morning.

The more things change, the more they remain the same.

Soures: Algoma Record Herald; 
1923 National Christmas Trees is from https://prologue.blogs.archives.gov/2023/11/27/100th-anniversary-of-the-national-christmas-tree-lighting/ 

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